Friday 9 October 2015

Single Moms!


Since I am a single mother, I have done a lot of reading about being a single parent.

It is a huge responsibility, I know because I am a single parent of 2.
In today's life, being a young female single parent and trying to live a lifestyle that is to your interest can be very challenging. Myself for instance, I like the high lifestyle and following trends. Although it is tough becoming financially stable when you're a parent, I wouldn't say it is impossible. Your life has just been put on hold so that you could give your kids the life you want them to have and that of which they deserve.

To me, it is a mental, emotional and physical roller coaster ride. Something that you have to prepare yourself and be strong for since you're playing the figure of mother and father. You need a lot of inspiration when having to go through something like this. You are now all grown up and have to be independent. I recently went through an emotional break down because it seemed as if nothing was working out for myself and kids. I always make sure that I get back up since I know my life is not my own anymore, and my kids are a total blessing!

The thing that keeps me going are my angels. Imagine waking up in the morning and receiving so much love and affection from something incredible that God has blessed you with, it makes you blind to your selfishness and you become totally grateful. They are NOT a burden. Some woman are barren and cannot conceive whereas others are just over fertile. The women who cannot conceive are going through the same emotional roller coaster ride that young single moms do too.

Being a single parent and waiting for love is not easy. Single moms have a hard time trying to find a man who will accept her kids as his own and take that big step of being a fatherly figure to them. Fortunately, those men are around! It takes patience and prayer. Put your situation in God's hands and you will see how things turn around for you. I have been blessed with a man that accepts me and my kids. We have a very healthy relationship going and hopefully it will continue to grow and blossom in the years to come.

I have found this interesting article on single moms called: 10 Single Mom Secrets. It has really helped me a lot and given me and open mind on how to deal with things.

It is what it is.....

10 Single Mom Secrets